Holistic Energy Verification Services
HMU Holistic Energy Verification Service
Energy is science.
Similar as all living organisms, humans require energy for survival and reproduction. Human living is an energy flowing process and there is a continuous human’s body energy exchange process with the environment. Your body takes in water, oxygen, nutrient etc and produces energy supply to all cells including muscle cells by ATP. Molecule’s elements in human cells possess energy and the flow of energy in human body drives our metabolism to support daily activity.
Energy flow is a process of an ecosystem which help to maintain ecological balance. Its essential to maintain human’s energy balance as part of the function in ecosystem. Energy is transferred between the environment and the organism by radiation, convection, conduction. Person, tools and space are three elements that contribute to the overall energy in our holistic wellbeing.
If you care about your energy status at the moment for a conscious living, you are welcomed to subscribe this energy verification service to get holistic energy strength (pass/failed) indicator in each of the following areas:
Energy Status
Physical Strength
Emotional Strength
Mental Strength
Spiritual Strength
Spatial Strength
This energy verification report allows you to:
• Visualize current personal energy level in a holistic perspective
• Understand which area(s) should improve before selecting your energy product, service and activity
To subscribe HMU Holistic Energy Verification Service, please book our service here.