Holistic Intelligence Healing Workshop
Holistic Intelligence Healing Workshop
Holistic Intelligence Healing Workshop indicates your holistic wellness in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. It is a powerful tool to check and monitor your wellness behaviours and characteristics.
This workshop offers you a chance to:
Understand meaning of Body, Mind & Spirit Wellness (BMSW) Score and how it relates to your health;
The importance to measure your holistic wellbeing behaviour by our quantum energy sensor for health screening;
Scan and generate BMSW scores to indicate the wellbeing of your body organs, trending for health monitoring and preventive measures;
Improve your wellness score by our frequency spectrum resonators healing and track the score change to visualise the impact before versus after our treatment.
Cost: GBP 35
Duration: 45 mins
More details of workshop time, location and cost, please click here. ​